Monthly calendar that includes dates, locations, and contact information for upcoming conventions and industry meetings. To submit a new item for next month's calendar, contact Bruce Sauer, [email protected]. Or mail your item to PO Box 66010, Houston TX 77266.
Find the most recent calendar under the Current Issue link found in the right-hand column.
► March 29-31, 2016
Americas Commercial Transportation (ACT)
Research Co, 54th commercial vehicle and
transportation seminar, Columbus IN
► March 31-April 2, 2016
Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS),
Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville KY
► April 6-9, 2016
Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association (TTMA)
annual convention, La Quinta
Resort & Club, La Quinta CA
► April 19-22, 2016
NAFA Fleet Management Association,
Institute & Expo, Austin Convention
Center, Austin TX
► April 19-22, 2016
PaintExpo international trade fair
for industrial coating technology,
Karlsruhe Exhibition Centre,
Karlsruhe, Germany
► May 2-5, 2016
Alternative Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo,
Long Beach Convention Center,
Long Beach CA
► May 16-19, 2016
Muncie Power Products,
Muncie Product and Application School,
Muncie manufacturing and distribution facility,
Tulsa OK. Phone 1-800-367-7867
ext 3216 or email [email protected]
► September 28-30, 2016
Americas Commercial Transportation (ACT) Research Co,
55th commercial vehicle and transportation seminar,
Columbus IN -
► March 7-11, 2017
Las Vegas Convention Center,
Las Vegas NV