Specialty vehicle manufacturer REV Group Inc. has extended its agreement with ZeroRPM Inc. to exclusively integrate and distribute their patented Idle Mitigation Systems to the ambulance market until 2024, the companies report. All REV Ambulance Group brands, including AEV, Horton, Wheeled Coach, Road Rescue and Leader offer the ZeroRPM technology as an option in their vehicles.
“Through our partnership with ZeroRPM, our ambulances become hybrid when parked and idling, using electricity instead of fuel to power the vehicle,” said Anoop Prakash, president, REV Ambulance Group. “Most ambulances spend many hours a day idling at the scenes of an incident, or waiting for a call, and our solution serves our customers by reducing engine wear, fuel consumption and emissions. We are excited to extend our partnership and advance our technical integration to benefit EMS crews, ambulance fleet owners and our environment.”
ZeroRPM’s Idle Mitigation Systems automatically start and stop the ambulance engine to decrease fuel consumption, pollution, and maintenance costs. This technology allows complete use of the ambulance’s critical functions as if the engine were still on and the crews continue to have access to the vehicle’s A/C, heat, windows, lighting, accessories, vital equipment and more. A recent review of REV ambulances equipped with the ZeroRPM Idle Mitigation System demonstrated the following benefits, on average:
- 75% reduction in engine idle times
- 1,634 fewer engine hours per year, which means less wear and tear
- a savings of 7,620 gallons of fuel over 5 years; and
- a reduction of 85 tons of CO2 over 5 years.
“Together, with the brands of REV Ambulance Group, we have tremendous reach in the market which amplifies our ability to make a positive impact on the EMS community and keep our brand promise to end idling,” said Lance Self, CEO, ZeroRPM.