Pierce's Arrow XT passes crashworthiness tests

Jan. 14, 2004
Pierce announced that the new Arrow XT heavy-duty cab passed the tough ECE R29 crash tests. These tests evaluate the structural strength of the cab to
Pierce announced that the new Arrow XT heavy-duty cab passed the tough ECE R29 crash tests. These tests evaluate the structural strength of the cab to ensure it can withstand forces from different directions without collapsing or penetrating into the occupant space. In the Frontal Impact Test, a 13,275-lb barrier was slammed into the front of the cab with 32,600 ft-lb of energy to meet the ECE R29 requirement. The test was repeated at a higher speed to impart 65,200 ft-lb of energy. In both cases, the cab sustained only minimal damage without intrusion into the occupant area. In the Roof Crush Test, the roof was first loaded with a 22,050-lb weight to meet the test requirement. The load was then increased to 100,000 lb without causing the roof to collapse -- more than 4.5 times the test requirement. Finally, the cab underwent the Side Strike Test where a 13,275-lb barrier hit the cab side with 13,000 lb-ft of energy to meet the test requirement. Again the cab withstood this impact with only minor deformation and no measurable intrusion into the occupant survival space.