Almost half (48%)of the for-hire and private fleets polled in July plan to buy trailers within the next six months, according to quarterly research published by CK Marketing & Communications.
The buying plans are even stronger for power units, where 74% of the fleets polled indicated that they plan to purchase power units sometime in the next six months.
Of the private and for-hire fleets questioned, 41% said that at least a portion of the purchases were to add capacity to their fleet.
To address the concern of a possible boon-bust cycle surrounding the 2007 emissions regulations, the following question has been included in this quarterly poll: “As things stand today, will you avoid purchasing new trucks in 2007?” Currently (July) 30% of those polled indicated that they would avoid purchases in 2007, and 26% answered that they would not. The highest percentage, 44%, said they were undecided at this time.
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