Navistar Defense LLC debuted its International Husky Tactical Support Vehicle (TSV) at the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Vehicle Show (known as DVD).
In April, the Ministry of Defense awarded the company a contract to provide 262 Husky vehicles. Organized by the Ministry's Defense Equipment and Support division, DVD offers attendees the chance to see vehicles in action on the show's off-road course.
Designed to meet UK urgent operational requirements in Afghanistan, the lighter and more mobile Husky is built to navigate rough Afghan terrain, while offering added protection from ballistics fire, mines, and roadside bombs.
The Husky, which is the medium variant for the TSV program, will be procured in three vehicle types: patrol, ambulance, and command vehicle. Integrated with UK-specific systems by Dytecna, the vehicle accommodates a four-person crew and is equipped with a MaxxForce D 6.0 L V8 engine.