Webb Wheel Products has added two aluminum trailer disc wheel hubs to its OEM product offerings. The new Webb aluminum hubs have been rated for 25,000-lb axle gross vehicle weight (GVW).
The new hubs were designed by Webb to fit the most popular trailer axles. Part number 4023 for “TN” axles weighs 31 lbs complete with studs and bearing cups, and the “TP” axle hub, part number 4343, weighs 33 lbs. The results of both SAE J1095 and Webb performance testing at a 25,000-lb axle rating indicated superior durability characteristics for both hubs.
These Webb aluminum hubs are a good combination with the lightweight Webb Vortex drum. Specifying trailer hub and drum assemblies as Webb aluminum hubs and Vortex lightweight gray iron drums can save vehicle operators 28 pounds per axle-end, or 112 pounds per trailer. Webb aluminum hubs and Vortex drums can improve operation performance with added payload, improved fuel efficiency, and reduced maintenance costs.
Visit www.webbwheel.com for further details.
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