TLG Research Inc will again conduct data collecting, analysis, and forecasting for the annual parts forecast of the Automotive Market Research Council's Heavy Duty Aftermarket Committee. This is the forecast's fourth year.
The AMRC, an international non-profit market research organization founded in 1966, includes nearly 100 of the world's premier on- and off-highway part and vehicle manufacturers. TLG Research, founded in 1992, is a marketing research firm with more than 300 years of collective market research experience in the on- and off-highway replacement parts industries. By using TLG Research as the facilitator of the forecast project, the AMRC assures participants that they will remain anonymous and their information will be kept confidential.
The forecast details the size of the heavy-duty aftermarket by part type, along with trend forecasts and market drivers. While the complete report is available only to committee members, non-AMRC companies are invited to participate as well, and will receive the report information for any product line on which they provide information. No proprietary or company sales data will be requested, and no individual information is ever released in the report or to the committee.
E-mail Steve Carini at [email protected] for more information.