SSGI, a provider of technology-based training for manufacturing companies, and Varsity Heavy Duty, Inc., have launchedVarsity, a web-based portal that provides manufacturers' product and sales training for resellers and distributors of trucking and heavy-duty industrial parts. will offer an extensive curriculum of product training, and online services that facilitate interaction between sales and marketing teams. These services include on-demand sales tools and brochures, technical bulletins, direct Web links, chat and email.
Resellers and distributors can purchase subscriber licenses for sales and customer support personnel to access the portal. Manufacturers will be charged Web hosting service fees for the training modules, and fees for the training courses that SSGI designs and develops for use on
SSGI will become a shareholder in Varsity Heavy Duty, and will be entitled to have representation on the company's board of directors.
Both companies add that the aftermarket serviced by this portal is estimated to generate $11.4 billion by the Automotive Aftermarket Industry Assn.