The Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA) has taken a step that will make it easier for individuals involved in the aftermarket to be legislative activists. It has created the Legislative Action Center, which enables individuals to quickly and easily create and send a message to an elected official.
The center is in the “Government” section of AAIA's web site To access it:
Go to “Grassroots Activities” and click on “Legislative Action Center.” A list of aftermarket critical issues will appear.
Click under an issue in “Write Your Legislators.”
After entering contact information, the user has the option of editing the letter before it is either e-mailed or printed and faxed to the elected official.
Participants will receive an e-mail notification that the letter has been sent, along with a copy of the letter.
Currently, letters can be sent on several critical aftermarket issues, including the Motor Vehicle Owners' Right to Repair Act, asbestos litigation reform, association health plans, and class action reform. Issues will be added to the center as needs arise. Companies should feel free to include articles in their newsletters on the new service and to provide a link to the center from their web sites.
For more information, phone Najha Phillips at 301-654-6664 or e-mail [email protected].