NTEA Director of Technical Services Louis Kleinstiver succumbed to a lengthy battle with stomach and intestinal cancer on Sunday morning.
Belovedly known by all as “Louie,” he served the NTEA and its members for 16 years.
His contributions to the betterment of the industry and the NTEA membership cannot be measured.
Kleinstiver is survived by his wife, Julie, and son, Chris.
Because of his dedication to the NTEA membership and the industry, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved establishment of the Louis V. Kleinstiver Institute for Multi-Stage Vehicle Safety.
The Board unanimously approved the action at its Nov. 6, 2003, meeting, allocating $10,000 from the Association’s financial reserves to fund the Institute.
The purpose of the Institute will be to conduct cooperative testing, develop performance standards and advance the safety of vehicles built in multiple stages. It is anticipated that the Institute will be overseen by a Board of Trustees consisting of members of the NTEA Board and a select number of non-trustee members who have technical or other expertise in critical areas.
To begin building the Institute, the NTEA will need the critical component of NTEA members' knowledge, expertise and assistance during development and thereafter. In the near future, the NTEA will begin educating the industry on truck safety trends and technologies; contributing to building of safer vehicles; participating in the development of standards; and networking opportunities that bring together colleagues involved in cooperative testing or standards-setting activities.