Manufacture of Beverage Truck/Bodies is Examined in Market Study (“SVN”), a business research consulting firm that develops proprietary analysis of vocational truck market segments, has released a business research report detailing the size, structure, competition and trends underlying the beverage truck/body and trailer manufacturing industry in North America. The report is titled “The Beverage Truck/Body and Trailer Manufacturing Industry in North America: Analysis & evaluation of the size, segmentation, growth, units in use, trends and competition in the manufacture of vocation-specific truck/bodies and trailers for beverage applications in North America.”According to SVN, this vocational body fabrication activity has been in decline for several years, primarily as a result of the competition from generic over-the-road truck trailers that are increasingly moving product that does not need a specialized beverage truck or trailer controlled environment. Extensive refurbishing of existing units has additionally weakened demand, further resulting in a tight consolidation of production between a handful of manufacturers.The report provides a comprehensive breakout of market shares in units and value for all manufacturers, together with detailed census analysis on the operating universe of beverage trucks. For further details, please visit or e-mail: [email protected]