The Consumer Division of Royal & SunAlliance USA has a program of insurance and services for the National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA). Available to both members and non-members of the association, the new program offers coverage for various types of operations, including the manufacture, distribution, installation and repair of commercial trucks, truck bodies, truck equipment, trailers, and accessories.
To its existing coverages, Royal & SunAlliance adds tailored loss control services and claim adjusting services to meet NTEA needs. The managing general agency, Affinity Programs — Willis of Nashville TN has been underwriting and processing account activities for more than five years. Affinity Programs — Willis also works with the NTEA in educating members on loss control and safety within the workplace.
Program access is offered to independent agents and brokers and will be available nationwide.
Coverages offered through this program include garage, automobile, M&E, general liability (including products and completed operations), property, crime, and inland marine. Qualifying accounts may also purchase umbrella coverage.
For details of this program, phone Scott Burns of Affinity Programs — Willis at 615-872-3515.