University of the Aftermarket Online, a service of Northwood University's University of the Aftermarket, will aid aftermarket professionals in keeping skill levels up-to-date while providing cost- and time-effective training.
Aftermarket professionals can earn up to 3.6 CEUs through University of the Aftermarket Online. This represents 50% of credits required for an associate automotive aftermarket professional (AAAP) designation and 25% of credits needed for an AAP.
Online courses will be available in these areas: aftermarket overview (two courses), human resource management (five courses), leadership (two courses), management (three courses), marketing (two courses), and sales and sales management (four courses).
Through an alliance with, University of the Aftermarket Online will offer two service dealer management courses: “How to Deal with the Angry Customer” and “Selling Shocks and Struts.” Both courses will be available for participants to provide to their service dealer customers.
University of the Aftermarket Online courses are available at reduced prices through support of these sponsoring associations: Automotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA), Automotive Warehouse Distributors Association (AWDA), and the Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA). A one-year subscription for all 20 courses for association members is $99.95, while the non-association member cost is $495.
For further information or to register, visit the web site at and select “Online Programs.”