With one click of a mouse, customers can access the new web-based Customer Information Center (CIC), a part of the C3 program for commercial tire customers launched in mid-April 2005 by TCI Tire Centers commercial division. The CIC is a tool specifically for customers, providing them with tracking and managerial information to use tires and retreads delivered by TCI.
The CIC is both time-saving and easy to find. Accessed through a link on the TCI web page, each customer logs in with a secure password and assigned customer account number issued by a TCI center. Multiple accounts at various TCI centers or retread plants are also available, allowing customers to access each account separately and build overall summaries using the individual reports. All information associated with the account number can be accessed through the CIC.
Provided in the CIC are online statements summarizing the customer's transactions for each month and/or year. Summaries are provided in statement form, but the CIC allows customers to seek further information from specific invoices.
A data download is also an advantage of the CIC. A complete set of activity reports covering all casings submitted by the customer to TCI for retreading is supplied in the CIC. The customer selects any report, and a web page is generated. This page can be downloaded as a spreadsheet or reformatted as a report and then printed.
Summaries of month-to-date and year-to-date purchases by the customer through the center are made available by the CIC through specific customer log-in numbers. These reports can be selected in two categories: Product Class and Product Description. The main web address for TCI Tire Centers is www.tirecenters.com.