AB Volvo has announced its truck engines consume 20% less fuel than in 1995— and will achieve a total reduction of 25% by 2008. The OEM added that emissions of carbon dioxide, particulate matter, hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide have declined about 70% since 1990.
In 1995, the fuel economy for an FH12 truck with a 40-ton trailer measured approximately 6.92 miles per gallon. By 2008, the company will shoot for roughly 9.05 miles per gallon.
The ACEA, an organization representing European car, truck and bus manufacturers, has voluntarily agreed with the European Union Commission to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from passenger cars by 25% within the 1995-2008 time frame. Although the agreement does not include trucks, AB Volvo points out its trucks will meet the same target.