New 150cc and 250cc F12 Series hydraulic motors from Parker Hannifin Corporation deliver extreme endurance and high efficiency for trouble-free service, better performance, and improved fuel economy in heavy-duty applications.
Be it for cooling, cutting, sawing, spreading, mixing, pressing, or compacting, Parker F12 bent-axis, fixed-displacement motors offer reliable operation at a range of speeds and rapid change in velocity thanks to special lightweight pistons and a sturdy timing gear design that facilitates quick acceleration/deceleration without damaging the motor.
Patented triple-laminated piston rings give the motors a high thermo-shock tolerance. This design allows for handling extreme cold start conditions. Furthermore, an engineered bearing design allows for higher shaft loads common in many cutting, mowing, and saw drive applications.
Combined, these features help keep industrial and mobile equipment running longer. Because F12 motors deliver high efficiency throughout the full operating range, they can produce more power and higher speeds.
The new F12 motors have a compact design that provides power transmission in space-critical applications (high power-to-weight ratio in a small envelope size). Continuous drive speed rated at 3,200 rpm (F12-150) and 2,700 rpm (F12-250), the motors can be used in both open- and closed-circuit applications. The F12 Series also includes 30, 40, 60, 80, 90, 110, and 125 cc/r displacement models.
For more information, contact Parker's Hydraulic Pump Division at 937.644.4532 or visit
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