In conjunction with the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC) arranged by the U.S. State Department, the Volvo Group today presented seven different trucks, all of which can be driven without any net contribution of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
During the conference, the Volvo Group displayed four Volvo FMs, two Volvo VNs and a Mack Pinnacle, which are equipped with engines specifically modified to operate with seven different renewable fuels/fuel combinations. At combustion in the vehicle, these fuels do not yield any net contribution of carbon dioxide to the ecocycle and, consequently, do not affect the climate. In addition to the seven trucks, Mack will also display a hybrid electric vehicle.
The aim of WIREC is to highlight the global possibilities and challenges in the area of renewable energy. WIREC is a continuation of the environmental conferences held in Bonn in 2004 and Beijing in 2005. Visitors at WIREC include government representatives from 75 countries, politicians and interested parties from business and academia.
“The climate issue is global and one for which the transportation industry has a special responsibility,” says Volvo CEO Leif Johansson. “By participating in WIREC, we gain the opportunity to show the American public that the Volvo Group is not just part of the problem, but also a part of the solution.”
"Volvo has the technology and resources for carbon-dioxide-free transports, but we cannot do it alone. We also need large-scale production of renewable fuels and for this to occur requires substantial investments in research and development as well as clear and common guidelines from politicians and government authorities in as many countries as possible.”
Both the Swedish and American governments are involved in the effort to develop the technologies that reduce the use of fossil fuels in the transportation sector. In June 2007, a renewable energy cooperation agreement between the American and Swedish governments was launched. The agreement aims at reducing the use of fossil fuels through working with projects in the areas of energy and automotive development. The Volvo Group is actively participating in this agreement by developing drivelines for heavy vehicles that are adapted to alternative fuels. The projects are financed by Volvo as well as the Swedish and U.S. governments.