Trailer manufacturers are scrambling to digest the 63-page Final Rule handed down by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in relation to the TREAD Act's requirement for an Early Warning Reporting System. The Final Rule is effective Aug. 9, and the first quarterly reporting period for early-warning information begins April 1, 2003. NHTSA has divided manufacturers into two groups:-- Manufacturers of light vehicles, medium-heavy vehicles and all buses, trailers, and motorcycles who produce, import, offer for sale, or sell more than 500 of a category annually in the United States. They must report on deaths, injuries, property damage, consumer complains, warranty claims information, field reports, and production.-- Those who produce, import, or sell fewer than 500 in the US. They must report the same information about incidents involving deaths, but are not required to report any other information.For a complete analysis of the implications of the Final Rule on trailer manufacturers, see the August issue of Trailer/Body Builders.