Alcoa brochure lists updated wheel specs

Jan. 1, 2002
Alcoa Wheel Products' specification data brochure, Aluminum Wheel for Trucks, Trailers and Buses/February 2001, features an up-to-date list of Alcoa forged

Alcoa Wheel Products' specification data brochure, Aluminum Wheel for Trucks, Trailers and Buses/February 2001, features an up-to-date list of Alcoa forged aluminum wheels and compatible wheel mounting hardware.

Changes include a different front outer cap nut listed with a series of wheels. The two-piece 33-mm hex head flange nut P/N 39874 supersedes P/N 39701. Photos and specs are included for Alcoa hub cover systems, valve stem extensions and stabilizer systems, and Hug-A-Lug nut covers.

For a free copy of the brochure, contact Alcoa, 1600 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland OH 44105.
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