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Felling auctioning trailer to benefit MOCA

June 14, 2018
Felling Trailers is set to host its sixth annual Trailer for a Cause online auction of an FT-3 Utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization.

Felling Trailers is set to host its sixth annual Trailer for a Cause online auction of an FT-3 Utility trailer to benefit a non-profit organization.

Felling’s goal is to bring awareness to various non-profits that are making a difference by donating 100 percent of the winning bid from the auction to a different non-profit each year. In past years, the Trailer for a Cause auctions raised over $14,000, with the money benefitting organizations such as Bright Pink (breast cancer), PANCAN (pancreatic cancer), ACTonALZ (Alzheimer’s), ABTA (American Brain Tumor Association) and SOMN (Special Olympics Minnesota).

This year, Felling selected the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA) as the 2018 Trailer for a Cause beneficiary.

“In past years, we would meet as a family and select the benefitting organization,” said Brenda Jennissen, president and CEO of Felling Trailers. “This year, we put that decision in the hands of our employees.

“A list of organizations was given to employees to select from, and once the votes were tallied, MOCA had received the most votes in their favor.”

The 2018 Trailer for a Cause will be painted MOCA’s signature teal color and display the MOCA emblem.

A Fall 2018 auction is planned for Trailer for a Cause. Leading up to the auction, Felling Trailers will work with MOCA to generate awareness about Ovarian Cancer, along with the resources MOCA has to offer to those affected by it.

Ovarian cancer accounts for approximately 3 percent of cancers in women, but it is the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related death among women.

MOCA’s Mission: 

·         To create an awareness about early warning signs that may be indicative of ovarian cancer

·         To create and promote resources for support, networking, and education for women diagnosed with ovarian cancer and their families.

·         To unite and educate individuals, the medical community and organizations to achieve earlier diagnosis, better treatment and a cure for ovarian cancer.

·         To advance ovarian cancer research toward earlier diagnosis, better treatment, and a cure.

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TBB Staff