Great Dane’s manufacturing facility in Statesboro GA recently was recognized by the Georgia Association of Manufacturers (GAM) for its commitment to safety.
The company's Statesboro plant received a Safety Performance Award on March 28 at GAM’s annual safety conference and awards luncheon for having zero lost-work cases in 2017.
“Great Dane is a proud member of the Georgia Association of Manufacturers, and it is an honor to have our Statesboro plant recognized by this organization for our dedication to safety,” said Brian Sage, Great Dane’s executive vice president of manufacturing.
“Safety is a top priority at Great Dane and the Statesboro facility has excelled over the past year at creating a culture of safety throughout the plant at every level.”
At Great Dane’s internal safety conference in March, the Statesboro plant also received the company’s “Safest Facility” award for having the best overall safety record in 2017. This award is based on recordable incident rates (RIRs), which include any injuries that require treatment greater than first aid, and lost time cases (LTCs), which are the number of incidents that result in employees missing work days due to injury.
Statesboro had the lowest RIR of any of Great Dane’s facilities and was one of five other Great Dane plants to achieve zero LTCs in 2017.
“Thanks to the hard work and commitment of employees, 2017 was Great Dane’s safest year to date,” said Dave Ritchie, Great Dane’s director of environmental health and safety.
“We are continuing to build on our safety program in 2018 with the implementation of a Built-in-Safety (BIS) program and our new ‘I Promise to be Safe’ program, which focuses on employee commitments to be safe for family and friends.”