FTR reports preliminary November U.S. net trailer orders at 42,600 units, 34% above good October activity and comparing favorably 19% y/y.
The reported order volume for November will boost OEM backlogs which had looked to be weakening at the end of October. Based on the high November orders, production in 2018 should start at a healthy clip. Annualized trailer order number are now 295,000 for the past twelve months.
“November trailer orders are wonderful news for the industry and for the general economy,” said Don Ake, FTR Vice President of Commercial Vehicles. “Fleets continue to anticipate the need for more trailers in 2018. Freight growth has been tremendous in Q4, and we forecast it to remain at least good through the first half of 2018.
“We can expect more use of drop-and-hook logistics in dry vans, refrigerated vans and flatbeds as trailer truck productivity is reduced and the driver shortage intensifies.”