KUBIKx announcement

EU trailer giant launches ‘ideas hub’

Nov. 26, 2017
KUBIKx will not work exclusively for Schmitz Cargobull but will create individual solutions for various customers, regardless of the trailer manufacturer.

While everyone is talking about digitalization, Europe’s leading trailer manufacturer Schmitz Cargobull is launching a startup with the aim of developing technology for fleet management, transport and logistic processes. CEO Andreas Schmitz announced the launch of the new company, KUBIKx, Nov. 20 at the Hypermotion logistics and mobility trade fair in Frankfurt. Operations are due to begin in Berlin and Münster in the first quarter of 2018.

“By hosting a hackathon today, we are hoping to get IT experts excited about our startup,” says Schmitz, explaining the new approach the company is also taking to recruitment.

“Digital solutions for managing and monitoring global supply chains are becoming increasingly important but also more complex,” Schmitz explains: Vehicles, cargo and infrastructure interact in close networks. Comprehensive data management and artificial intelligence are increasing the utilization of load capacities.

As an independent company, the “ideas hub” KUBIKx will respond to developments in this field with agility and flexibility, creating innovative solutions for fleet management, transport and logistics. “We aren’t starting from scratch. We are able to build on our experience in the fields of production (automation) and value added services,” Schmitz continues.

Of note: KUBIKx will not work exclusively for Schmitz Cargobull but will create individual solutions for various customers, regardless of the trailer manufacturer. “The dynamic nature of the start-up will also create new ideas and provide an additional boost to our core business,” adds Schmitz.

Karl-Heinz Neu has been appointed as the managing director of KUBIKx. He has been successfully leading the development of Schmitz Cargobull Telematics since 2005.

In the medium term (the first half of 2018), up to 15 staff will work at KUBIKx to identify new business models and assess their market opportunities and potential. “Each one of these business models must ultimately offer a clear added value for the customers,” Schmitz says.