ACT’s preliminary estimate for April net trailer orders is 20,200 units. Year-over-year, April orders were 22% above the same month last year—that’s the fifth straight month of stronger volume on a year-over-year basis.
Final April volume will be available later this month.
“While net orders were off approximately 6% from March, industry patterns actually call for some softening in volume as we exit the industry’s normal ‘order season.’ On that basis, the April month-over-month decline is actually a bit less than we would have expected,” said Frank Maly, ACT’s Director of CV Transportation Analysis and Research.
The 2016/17 order season started slow, but gained momentum as it progressed. That momentum appears to have carried into April, as fleets continue to fine-tune their investment plans for this year.
“Our preliminary results indicate that dry vans continue to post solid numbers, while flatbeds appear to have garnered the best year-over-year order growth, on a percentage basis, last month,” concluded Maly.