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NATM Feeds America

Nov. 26, 2020
The campaign's initial goal of 50,000 meals was met in the first 36 hours; the new target is more than double that, plus NATM's match of the first 50,000

By Elizabeth Moore, NATM

The National Association of Trailer Manufacturers (NATM) launched their first annual giving campaign on November 9th to support Feeding America. Since the beginning of NATM Feeds America, the title of the Association’s campaign, NATM members have exceeded fundraising goals twice, creating more than 90,000 meals for those in need. Please join NATM and the trailer industry in creating more than 110,00 meals by going to

Food insecurity is more prevalent than usual in the United States with wild fires ravaging the Colorado and the west coast over the summer and the COVID-19 pandemic rages on.. In addition, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported unemployment levels continued to soar with a 7.9 percent rate at the end of September, representing 3.8 million Americans who have permanently lost their jobs and another 4.6 million who lost their jobs temporarily.

Also in September, the Booking Institute found that in June of 2020 27.5 percent of households with children were food insecure with the number expected to rise as COVID spikes through the winter. This value represents 13.9 million children across the country. Feeding America itself estimates nearly 54 million people, including 18 million children, will experience food insecurity this year alone. With virtual education being reinstated throughout the nation more meals are being served at home, and the children who rely on school food programs no longer have the same access to food.

With these challenges in mind, NATM carefully selected Feeding America because its mission aligns with a growing need in communities. With 98.7 percent of funding going directly into programming, Feeding America is able to turn each dollar donated into 10 meals. The organization spends only .4 percent of their finances on administrative costs according to Charity Navigator, an organization that systematically rates charities using a standardized methodology. The Association applied their own ethics regarding member investment when searching for a worthy organization to partner with in fundraising.

When NATM launched this campaign in early November, the Association set the goal of raising $5,000 from members and promised to match the first $5,000 dollar for dollar. In less than 36 hours, the trailer industry exceeded that goal. Then, the goal was raised to $8,000, and just 10 days after launching the campaign, the industry again exceeded the goal. Currently, the Association is close to breaking $10,000 donated without the matching contribution and is hoping to raise $11,000 from the industry.

NATM is asking for your help to raise $11,000 and create 110,000 meals for those in need. NATM will contribute the promised $5,000, generating an additional, 50,000 meals. Many NATM members invest in their communities and are committed to giving back. The Association is thrilled to join the industry in fighting hunger with Feeding America. The campaign NATM Feeds America ends December 15th. There is still plenty of time to contribute at