Utility-Paragould safety award

Utility-Paragould’s safety certified

Dec. 31, 2019
Arkansas recognizes refrigerated trailer manufacturer's plant for reaching 2 million hours without a lost-time incident

The state of Arkansas recently presented a safety award to representatives of Utility Trailer’s manufacturing plant in Paragould AR.

Utility is the industry’s largest manufacturer of refrigerated trailers.

The award for reaching 2 million hours without a lost day away from work due to an injury between July 6, 2017 and June 19, 2019, included a plaque delivered to Utility-Paragould employees, who were among the company’s 740 workers who logged more than 2.8 million hours without lost time during the two-year period.

“It’s a great honor for our employees to be recognized by the state of Arkansas for their commitment to keeping a safe workplace,” said David Neighbors, Utility’s Paragould plant manager. “In the past 40 years of this award, only 175 awards have been presented to Arkansas companies for achieving 2 million hours, and this is one of only two such awards presented by the state of Arkansas this year. I am very proud of our team.”

Ralph Hudson, director of the labor division for Arkansas’ Department of Labor & Licensing, and Paul Hansen, Health and Safety Division head for the state’s Workers’ Compensation Commission, presented the plaque.

“We appreciate Mr Hudson and Mr Hansen personally taking the time to present this award to our employees, demonstrating the importance of this achievement,” said Sean Graddy, Utility’s Paragould environmental health and safety manager. “We constantly strive to be a safe place to work, and our continuously improving safety record over the past two decades shows our employees’ commitment to safety is deeply ingrained in our culture.”

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