Anjer truck

Anjer offers tips for chassis selection

July 5, 2018
Anjer Inc points to purpose, features and axle number as key considerations when choosing a chassis in a recent blog post on the company’s website.

Anjer Inc, which specializes in trailer and truck body sales, service and equipment for the transportation industry in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, points to purpose, features and axle number as key considerations when choosing a chassis in a recent blog post on the company’s website.

These factors will help end users decide if they should rent or own a chassis, how to select a distributor and determine the correct chassis size for the products needing transportation in their operation.

Purpose is the primary consideration.

What, exactly, needs to be moved? While container chassis can carry all sorts of loads, there also are generator chassis that are specifically designed for generators, as well as tank chassis that, with their characteristic lower deck height and greater length, are ideal for transporting ISO and bulk liquid containers.

Some products, such as flat or coiled steel, are best transported on flatbed trailers.

After settling on a chassis model, examine the various chassis features.

What is the correct length chassis? Is a lightweight chassis preferable, or is a more heavy-duty chassis the answer? Is a trailer with a gooseneck for high-cube containers required? Is a chassis that’s expandable or extendable a good option?

Companies with operations in Canada may even need to use a Canadian chassis.

Finally, count those axles.

By federal law, the single-axle weight limit is 20,000 pounds, with any two adjacent axles closer than 96 feet having a 34,000-pound limit. While there are other factors in calculating the weight limit, it’s important to estimate the maximum potential weight before determining the correct number of axles.

Also, gross and axle weights are higher in some states, despite the federal rule, due to previously grandfathered standards.

Those interested in learning more, or who are looking to buy new trailers in Philadelphia County, should contact Anjer at 1-800-598-3981 or visit

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