SOME 600 people helped the National Trailer Dealers Association celebrate its 25th anniversary September 23-25 at the Diplomat Resort and Spa in Hollywood, Florida.
Attendance at this year’s convention was the largest the association has ever had, reflecting steady growth in membership.
NTDA has added 76 new members during the past year, bringing the association’s roster to 761 members, NTDA President Nick Lambevski announced at the convention’s opening breakfast session.
The convention program included an analysis of the upcoming greenhouse gas regulation and its effects on the trailer industry, forecast for the trailer market, and tips for getting more productivity from the shop.
“Our membership had held steady at around 300-350 until around 2007,” said Lambevski, president of Transport Trailer Sales in Milton, Ontario. “When the recession hit, we had about 200 members, and 150 people attending the convention. Since hiring Gwen Brown about six years ago, we have experienced stead growth.”
Lambevski reviewed the associations initiatives for the year, which include a new insurance program for its members that provides general, liability, and workers comp. Other programs include a shop labor hours guide, free webinars throughout the year, and a sales manager’s workshop.
Between 1997 and 2007, membership fluctuated between 300-350 1997, Lambevski said. From 2010, steady increase since then. Association revenues have increased steadily.
The association has added new programs recently:
• An insurance program that provides general and liability insurance as well as worker’s comp policies.
• Shop labor hours guide.
• Free webinars throughout the year, along with a sales manager’s workshop.
Lambevski said the association is planning to add two regular employees this year to assist Executive Director Gwen Brown.
NTDA officers and directors for 2015-2016
Chairman of the board
Jeff Barber
Interstate Truck Equipment
Cincinnati OH
First vice-president
Steve Robinson
Pressure Systems International
San Antonio TX
Second vice-chairman
Dale Martens
American Trailer & Storage
Kansas City MO
John Princing
Scientific Brake & Equipment
Saginaw MI
Executive director
Gwen Brown
Brighton MI
Dealer directors:
Richard Bloomquist
Badger Utility
Madison WI
Mark Hall
Stoops Freightliner
Indianapolis IN
Joel Hought
Wallwork Truck & Trailer
Fargo ND
Paul Want
Utility Trailer Sales Southeast Texas
Houston TX
Jamey Vaughn
Twin States Trailers
Charlotte NC
James Veres
Southeast Trailer Mart
Ellenwood GA
Allied directors:
Geoff Reid
Itasca IL
Lyn Simon
Oneway Trailers
Salt Lake City UT