The National Trailer Dealers Association (NTDA) kicked off its 2020 Virtual Convention on Nov. 4. The Virtual Convention will feature a variety of ongoing educational and networking opportunities to attract visitors to the site. There is no cost to log onto the NTDA Virtual Convention site.
“While we certainly miss seeing everyone in-person this year we believe this is the most responsible path to maintain safe conditions for our attendees, presenters, sponsors, and exhibitors,” NTDA President Gwendolyn Brown said. “We wanted to make our virtual experience as inclusive as possible. Your trade association is what keeps you connected with the industry.
“The NTDA connects its members to help you do more business together. As a benefit, the NTDA is offering all the content on its Virtual Convention free-of-charge through September 2021.”
There are “surprisingly great” benefits to the valuable content visitors will find in this “incredible” online resource, NTDA touts. Free registration
Access to the 2020 Annual NTDA Virtual Convention is free. Visitors are simply asked to complete the requested information in the “Registration Box” on the right side on the home page before proceeding.
The site features more than 80 exhibitors and 17 pre-recorded presentations. Presentations include:
- “Opening Remarks and State of the Association” by Michael Shuemake, NTDA Chairman of the Board. Shuemake provides members with an overview of the NTDA’s accomplishments, financial stability, membership growth, as well as future endeavors and goals.
- “A Message from the Incoming NTDA Board Chairman” by Geoff Reid, 2020–2021 NTDA Chairman of the Board. Incoming NTDA Chairman of the Board Geoff Reid recognizes outgoing Board Chairman Michael Shuemake and takes a brief look ahead for the Association.
- “Trucking Industry Economic Forecast” by Kenny Vieth, President and Senior Analyst, ACT Research Co., LLC. Vieth provides a forecast for where the trucking industry is headed after one of the worst economic disruptions in history.
- “Industry Keynote Address and Regulatory Update” by Randy Guillot, Chairman of the American Trucking Associations. Guillot discusses what current and pending regulations as well as mandates mean to our industry.
- “Understanding Back Order Analysis and Inventory Management” by Ron Slee, Managing Director, Learning Without Scars LLC. Slee takes you through understanding back order analysis and inventory management, including accuracy of your sales history and forecast, your budget for replenishment cycles, safety stock, standard inventory, non-productive parts and inventory, and protective parts.
- “Connecting Trailer Dealers for Business Success” by Allen Phibbs, CPA, Director of Education and Industry Relations, KEA Advisors. Phibbs helps you achieve greater success by becoming aware of your strengths and that of others.
- “Predicting the Present” by Bill Wade, Partner, Corporate Management & Innovation, Wade & Partners. Wade explains how 2021–2025 will have little in common with 2020, but we will need to start from scratch.
- These and other presentations from world-class industry experts are available, including videos from Executive and Presenting Level Sponsors.
Live sessions
There will be one live presentation on Nov. 4 at 2 p.m. EST on “Trucking and Cyber Risks.” To register/attend, visit Throughout the year, the NTDA will offer additional live Webinars, Round Table Discussions, Coffee Chats, Virtual Happy Hours, and more. Look for offers from sponsors that have prizes for participation!
Member recognition
Visitors to the NTDA Virtual Convention site can also check out the latest Sponsor and Exhibitor News. Visitors can also refresh their industry historical knowledge by reviewing the “Trailer Trivia” section. Learn more about the NTDA’s Scholarship Program, and more.
As the NTDA celebrates its 30th Anniversary in 2020, we are recognizing all our members on the Virtual Convention site from new members to Founding Members. Members of the Board of Directors and Membership Ambassadors are also recognized.
Mark your calendar
The 31st Annual NTDA Convention is scheduled for Oct. 6–8, 2021, at the Fairmont Chateau Whistler, Whistler, BC, Canada.
Call for presentations
Companies interested in presenting a virtual presentation on the NTDA Virtual Convention Web site may submit a proposal to NTDA President Gwendolyn Brown at [email protected], call toll-free 1-800-800-4552, or (810) 229-5960 (direct dial) to discuss further. The NTDA is also accepting offers to host virtual dealer forums/roundtable discussions, virtual coffee chats, virtual happy hours, or other online networking opportunities.
The NTDA provides high-quality educational and networking opportunities. Educational programs may not be commercial in nature and must focus on emerging issues, best practices or the complex issues facing our industry. Proposals must be submitted in writing and include a session title, description, and a brief presenter biography. Presentation selections will be made based on relevance, clearly articulated material, presenter qualifications and usefulness to attendees.