Monthly calendar that includes dates, locations, and contact information for upcoming conventions and industry meetings. To submit a new item for next month's calendar, contact Bruce Sauer, [email protected]. Or mail your item to PO Box 66010, Houston TX 77266.
Find the most recent calendar under the Current Issue link found in the right-hand column.
► May 2-5, 2016
Alternative Clean Transportation (ACT) Expo,
Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach CA.
► May 16-19, 2016
Muncie Power Products, Muncie Product
and Application School, Muncie
manufacturing and distribution facility,
Tulsa OK. Phone 1-800-367-7867 ext 3216
or email [email protected]
► June 7-8, 2016
International Forum on Design
for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA),
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Providence-Warwick RI.
► September 8-10, 2016
North American Trailer Dealers Association (NATDA)
rade Show & Convention,
Music City Center, Nashville TN.
Phone 727-360-0304
► September 13-15, 2016
National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA)
Truck Product Conference,
Dearborn MI.
Phone 800-441-6832
► September 13-15, 2016
FTR Transportation Conference,
Union Station, Indianapolis IN.
► September 28-30, 2016
Americas Commercial Transportation (ACT)
Research Co, 55th commercial vehicle
and transportation seminar, Columbus IN.
► October 12-14, 2016
National Trailer Dealers Association
(NTDA) 26th annual convention,
J W Marriott Desert Ridge Resort & Spa,
Phoenix AZ.
Phone 800-800-4552
► October 24-26, 2016
Canadian Transportation Equipment
Association (CTEA) Manufacturers’
Conference and Trade Fair,
Four Seasons Hotel,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Phone 519-631-0414
► October 25-26, 2016
National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA)
Executive Leadership Summit,
Red Rock Casino Resort & Spa,
Las Vegas NV.
Phone 800-441-6832
► March 7-11, 2017
ConExpo-Con/AGG, Las Vegas
Convention Center, Las Vegas NV.