
Stronger growth forecast for the West European trailer market

June 10, 2014

Trailer demand in Western Europe is expected to increase by 15% in 2014, according to CLEAR International, a British-based consulting group.

The forecast assumes a strong end to the year in the last quarter of 2014, says Gary Beecroft, manageing director for CLEAR.  But even without a year-end surge, the market would still be up 10% for the year, he says.

Six of the countries covered by the West European report will have trailer market growth of over 20%.  Five out of fifteen countries will grow by more than 1,000 new trailers, and the total growth over 2013 will be 20,000 units.

The forecast for new trailer demand is that it will almost match the level of 2006 by 2016. 

“Trailer production, having fallen by 9.8% from the 2011 level, will also have a double digit increase in 2014,” Beecroft says.

The CLEAR International report forecasting the demand for truck trailers in Western Europe to 2018.  It is the first report in perhaps two years that has not reported a downturn in the economic outlook.  The forecast for each of the seven largest economies in Western Europe has improved.

The West European Trailer Market Report (June 2014), with forecasts to 2018, can be obtained from CLEAR using the contact details below.  A new report for the East European market was issued in April 2014.