Stertil-Koni, which specializes in heavy-duty vehicle lifts, recently introduced two new adapter kits tailored for its in-ground scissor and piston lifts.
The kits are engineered to facilitate more efficient lifting by engaging the front and rear lifting points on buses and trucks, the company said.
“Today’s trucks and buses coming off the production line have bigger and wider axles,” said Matthias Lennemann, Stertil-Koni’s heavy-duty in-ground lift sales manager. “In response, Stertil-Koni listened to our end-users and tailored these adapter kits to meet the newer requirements.
“Each kit contains various front and rear adapters and is included, as standard, with new in-ground lift purchases from Stertil-Koni. Customers simply choose which adapter kit best suits their fleet.”
One kit is manufactured only for transit buses and the second is suitable for trucks and school buses, the company said. Both adapters are constructed to be wider and taller, while transit bus adapters are flatter and broader.
The new adapters also are optimized for new vehicles with the latest axles, as well as older vehicles that have been on the road for some time.
“The net result is to increase the versatility, safety and performance of Stertil-Koni’s DIAMONDLIFT, a state-of-the-art high-pressure telescopic piston lift, and ECOLIFT, the original ultra-shallow, full-rise axle-engaging scissor lift,” Lennemann said.
“The adapters are all engineered to embrace the axles, frame or suspension on the vehicle securely.”
Each adapter pair has a capacity of up to 35,000 pounds, depending on the type of lift with which it is used.
The kits also are available to current Stertil-Koni in-ground lift customers.
“The new in-ground lift adapter kits are a great leap forward for virtually all bus and truck maintenance facilities using Stertil-Koni lifts to service their heavy-duty vehicles,” said Dr. Jean DellAmore, president of Stertil-Koni.
“That is precisely why we call our approach ‘Freedom of Choice’ – delivering the broadest range of vehicle lifting options to address all of our customer needs.”