The Tank Conference Executive Committee met bright and early Thursday morning. Daniel Tremblay of Tremcar chaired the meeting.
Among the items that the committee addressed:
•Wetlines. The committee heard a written report by John Conley, past president of National Tank Truck Carriers about issues important to both our industries. He said that his organization has been in contact with the Government Accountability Office (GAO). The GAO is preparing a report on wetlines for Congress. He said that the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has been prohibited from issuing any wetlines rule prior to issuance of the report or for two years.
•Rollover resistance. Conley’s report also addressed recommendations for making tank trailers more resistant to rollover. The National Transportation Board has made a series of recommendations to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Federal Highway Administration, and PHMSA. He encouraged input from TTMA members regarding a “Rollover Prevention Toolbox” that NTTC is working with FMCSA to develop.
•Adoption by reference. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the National Board of Pressure Vessel Inspectors have been promoting the concept of adopting their codes for adoption as federal regulations. Several groups, including TTMA and NTTC are opposing the idea.
•Driver and operator safety. John Cannon of The Walker Group of Wabash National made a presentation on developments with the Cargo Tank Risk Management Committee. The Tank Conference voted to approve a jointly developed publication RP 105 - CTRMC Vision2020 for Common Tank Trailer Ladders, Walkways and Dimensions. The Tank Conference also approved a revision of TB 102 - Operation and Maintenance of MC 306 and DOT 406 Cargo Tank Bottom Loading Systems. Both measures are intended to improve driver and operator safety by reducing the amount of time that people must climb on the top of tanks and to protect them while there.
Randy Arlt of Polar Tank Trailer was approved to fill the vacancy of Tank Conference director.
The next meeting of the Tank Conference Executive Committee will be in conjunction with the September TTMA board meeting in Williamsburg, Virginia.