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TSEI celebrates 60-year commitment to safety

Nov. 2, 2022
The Illinois-based safety organization that functions as a bridge between the industry and government has been in operation since its first meeting in 1962

The Transportation Safety Equipment Institute (TSEI) has marked a milestone in its commitment to safety with the completion of its 2022 Fall Meeting, 60 years from its first meeting in the fall of 1962.

Officially formed as a non-profit in Illinois as the Truck Safety Equipment Institute in 1973, TSEI influenced the first issue of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety standards in 1967. In the years since, the trade association and its member partners have been leaders in developing performance and test standards for safety equipment, protecting the rights of U.S. manufacturers, assuring imported parts meet regulatory standards, and collaborating with NHTSA, FMCSA, FHWA, CVSA, and other technical organizations such as SAE, TMC, and IEEE.

Currently, the industry is dealing with many new technologies for the safe and efficient operation of ground vehicles that need to be carefully brought to market with standardization across all states. Such products include advanced braking controls, new lighting configurations, cameras, radars, lidars, and more. The association is dealing with driver distraction, location tracking, vehicle-to-vehicle communications, smart trailer opportunities, and Connected-Autonomous-Safe/Sustainable-Electric (CASE) vehicles.  

"With the onset of such transformative technologies, TSEI and its member partners are needed now more than ever to promote, advocate, and insure the existence of performance standards and regulations,” said Paul Menig, executive director of TSEI. “We invite fleets, vehicle OEM's, tier 1-3 suppliers, supply chain customers of safety equipment, aftermarket retailers and distributors, academic and research institutions, and other trade associations to join with us. We have a place for everyone to help make a difference.”

For more information, please visit www.tsei.org

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