MacKay & Co. again studying service issues, e-commerce parts trends

March 12, 2019
MacKay & Company has announced two studies of interest to Trailer/Body BUILDERS readers to be completed in the coming year.

MacKay & Company has announced two studies of interest to Trailer/Body BUILDERS readers to be completed in the coming year: the 2019 Medium and Heavy Duty Truck and Trailer U.S. Service Study, and the E-Commerce Parts Purchasing Study.

Of the Service Study, MacKay & Company analyzes survey responses “from those that turn the wrench” to provide data driven answers down to the component level to help its clients, the company says. The aspects of the data results include not only component-based service practices but also service practices such as Paint & Body and Tire Mounting/Dismounting.

Study to highlight:

  • Have fleets increased their outsourcing needs?
  • What will be the impacts of component complexity on outsourcing?
  • What new service options are present in the marketplace?
  • What is the current state of service capacity?
  • With the recent retail sales surge, what are second and third owners’ maintenance requirements?

Each participating company in this study will receive:

  • The 2019 Truck & Trailer Service Study Final Report (Table of Contents for 2015 Study is in Appendix A.)
  • On-site review of 2019 Study with MacKay & Company
  • Access to all service data via MacKay's online portal.

The online application for this study will be very similar in structure to MacKay’s other DataMac products. The "user-friendly" format will allow users to analyze the aftermarket for service labor hours or dollars by a variety of queries for the entire aftermarket or for specific components groups or component areas.

The research program is programmed to launch April 1. MacKay & Company anticipates that approximately 150 to 180 days will be required from study launch to completion.

More information about the Service Study is available at

The E-Commerce Study is a follow up to the inaugural MacKay & Company conducted in 2017. This second examination of the “ever-changing and evolving online parts purchasing patterns” will leverage findings from the first study and also explore new topics and areas of interest.

  • E-Commerce purchasing continues to increase, have parts purchases followed this general trend?
  • What is expected with an online parts purchase?
  • What are future online parts purchasing expectations?
  • What parts are most frequently purchased online?
  • Which online channels are best meeting the fleets’ needs?

Again, MacKay notes that study participants will have the opportunity to add topics pertinent to their business.

More information about the E-Commerce Study is available at

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TBB Staff