Fontaine Modification opens new truck modification center in Texas
Fontaine Modification Fleet Services has moved its Laredo, Texas, modification center 14 miles down the road to a new 27,000-square-foot facility adjacent to TruckMovers, a yard management and third-party logistics service provider.
This modification center specializes in installing work systems, off-loading and electronics systems, vehicle tracking systems, safety equipment and graphics packages for heavy-duty trucks. The purpose-built facility at 15617 U.S. Route 83, Unit B, supports nearby Freightliner Trucks and Navistar International manufacturing plants, utilizing ship-through agreements with both OEMs. TruckMovers transports the vehicles from the OEM plants to the Laredo location for modification and preparation for final delivery.
“Working closely with TruckMovers lets us minimize truck scheduling and movement delays, so together we can reduce the time between trucks leaving the factory and their delivery to the customer’s location,” says Jamil Young, president, Fontaine Modification Fleet Services.
The new modification center includes 22 truck bays, five drive-through lanes and two acres of securely fenced and lighted parking. It is fully supported by an onsite staff of engineering, quality control and inventory personnel.
Production at the new Fontaine modification center began April 3 led by facility manager Angel Salas.
For more information about Fontaine Modification, call 800.FONTAINE (800.366.8246) or visit