A recent study by Swedish truck maker Scania has found that composite materials used to build a vehicle’s chassis can reduce truck weight by up to 40%, according to a report in Prime Mover Magazine.
Scania reports that reduced vehicle weight means more cargo per transport shipment.
“Our studies show that weight savings of up to 40 percent can be achieved if key load-bearing parts are replaced with lighter materials,” said Magnus Burman of KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
“Distribution trucks often carry bulky goods, so the weight savings are not that great,” Burman said. “But an electrified truck’s range is highly dependent on the vehicle’s weight. Halving the weight here means doubling the range per load.
“On top of the low weight, composite materials provide strength and rigidity, while fatigue and ageing aren’t generally seen as problems. Composites also don’t rust, and they don’t degrade in the same way as metal structures.”
The full story is here.