
Cat Puts Fatigue-Protection Software on Mining Trucks

July 14, 2016
Caterpillar Safety Systems has partnered with Seeing Machines to install fatigue-protection software in thousands of mining trucks, according to a Huffington Post report.

Caterpillar Safety Systems has partnered with Seeing Machines to install fatigue-protection software in thousands of mining trucks, according to a Huffington Post report.

The software uses a camera, speaker and light system to measure signs of fatigue – for instance eye closure and head position. When a potential fatigue event is detected, the system sounds an alarm and sends a video clip of the driver to a 24-hour sleep fatigue center at Caterpillar headquarters in Peoria, Illinois, the report adds.

Caterpillar has a four-year license from Seeing Machines to manufacture the software. For now, it’s the exclusive provider of this technology within the mining industry. Some 5,000 vehicles ― a combination of Caterpillar’s own trucks and those of other mining companies ― carry the equipment. There are about 38,000 haul trucks worldwide, by Caterpillar’s estimate, so the fatigue-detecting trucks are still a small fraction of that, but Caterpillar hopes to eventually equip all of them.

When a “fatigue event” is recorded, it’s up to the mining site to recommend a course of action to the driver, or vice versa. Last month in Nevada, for instance, a mining truck driver had three fatigue events within four hours; he was contacted onsite and essentially forced to take a nap. Last February in North Carolina, one night shift truck driver who experienced a fatigue event realized it was a sign of an underlying sleep disorder and asked his site management for medical assistance. (Caterpillar has mining operations globally from China to Canada).

The full story is here.

About the Author

Rick Weber