Volume continues to soar on the auction market for both heavy- and medium-duty markets, according to the new edition of the Commercial Truck Report produced by the Truck Blue Book.
Medium-duty auction prices saw a decrease after last month’s large jump while heavy-duty shows the fourth consecutive drop month over month. Q3 pricing fell short of Q2 averages on the resale market continuing to drop in September.
The heavy-duty commercial trucks saw a drop in used pricing for September with an overall decrease of 2.7% with no price increases in September. The largest drop was on the 2015 model year trucks at 4.9%. The 2007 through 2011 models were all down 3.6%. The smallest drop in price for the month was on the 2014’s down 1.6% from August. Sleeper cab tractors were down 0.8% between August and September. The day cab trucks were down 1.6% month over month.
During September, prices were down 2.8% from August on the overall Class 4-8 market. The heavy resale pricing was down 2.7% from August. Medium-duty resale prices were up only 0.4% month over month. There was a large shift in volume thus causing the drop in pricing despite a medium duty increase. Resale volume was down 28% in September after a large jump in August. The August jump was due to a very slow July and the drop in September resulted in volume much closer to averages at the start of the year.