The 2008 Competitiveness Redbook — National Edition providing rankings of the 50 state economies according to 51 business and economic indices has been released to the public by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM).
First launched in 2005, the annual Redbook contains updated data on many key economic indicators found in previous Redbook, two new charts providing additional and expanded indicators on state economies, and results from two state liability systems ranking surveys.
The Redbook was produced by the NAM in partnership with the Association of Washington Business and BKD LLP. Data in the publication are based on the efforts of the Washington Alliance for a Competitive Economy (WashACE), a non-profit research institute focused on improving Washington State's economy and business climate.
Copies of the Redbook may be ordered for $10 (NAM members) and $15 (non-members) each, plus shipping and handling, and any applicable taxes, from or phone 800) 637-3005.