Kögel’s 24-cubic-meter tipper trailers are now available with different wall thicknesses.
The bottom and the back wall of Kögel tipper trailer are made of quenched and tempered Hardox 450 steel and the side walls consist of high-tensile S700 sheet steel. The serial version of the tipper comes with a five-millimeter tipper bottom and side walls and back wall of four millimeters each. Optionally, the following combinations are available as from now on: Four-millimeter tipper bottom and four-millimeter back wall or six-millimeter tipper bottom, five-millimeter side walls and four-millimeter back wall.
For use in road construction, a moveable version of the underride guard can now be ordered apart from the standard foldable unit. In addition, a tipper of 160 millimeters in depth and four millimetre in thickness made of high-strength S700 steel sheet is now available as an optional feature. Because of its modular construction, this unit can be retrofitted easily. For comfortable operation, the closing process of the hydraulic back wall door can now be actuated by the brake pedal upon request.